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I have always enjoyed making things especially when it involved working with yarn, fabric and thread. I started knitting when I was six years old, after begging my mother for two years to teach me. My sisters and I made doll clothes and went on to make many of our own clothes. But, my crafting always involved following a pattern, not designing or creating.
One day a woman in our church announced that she was going to have a “Moms Cottage”, to run parallel to our Vacation Bible School program. A quiet place for Moms to have a VBS of their own suited to their own needs, and get the same gospel message their children were receiving. My heart leaped with desire to help, but I was working full time, and saw no way to assist. Then a few days before it began, I got a call. The woman presenting the craft had an emergency, could I fill in for her? Of course I would, and that’s how it began.
My first craft was too hard, and didn’t tie into the message, but that changed in subsequent years. Each year I would commit to helping with the crafts and then ask what the theme was, so I could tie the craft into the theme. Every year I would panic, wondering what craft could represent that theme. As my panic turned into prayers, God would show me the answer. It was always very special to see how He could plant the vision in my mind of the craft representing the scriptural theme, and also give me all the details on how to make it and what materials to use. When God gives you an idea, it is complete. What a wonderful God we have!
I hope these crafts will be a blessing to you and those around you. They make great gifts and reminders of the Word that God has given to us. They are relatively simple so that you can teach them in about an hour. In addition to instructions on how to make the crafts are helpful ideas on how to teach them to a class. My one request is that you take the few minutes necessary at the beginning of the class to share the scriptural relevance before instructing your class on the assembly of the craft. That few minutes is what will make the difference between making a “fun craft”, and being inspired by God’s Word. Remember, this is your opportunity…. Hebrews 10:24 “and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,” (NASB)